Snake Gourd /Pudalangai Kootu

My first snake gourd kootu
My first snake gourd kootu

I noticed vegetables which looked like snakes in the market and found out that the name of the vegetable was indeed called “Snake Gourd”(Pudalangai in Tamil). Apparently it is popular and used a lot in South Asia. It has fibers, minerals and vitamins and it is fat free!


Can you see snakes on the wall?
Can you see snakes on the wall?
Peeling the skin.
Peeling the skin.

I found a Snake gourd/Pudalangai Kootu recipe on internet. I like the name
of the site “You too can cook” Yes! It is for me!

Nearly finishing cooking!
Nearly finishing cooking!

Kootu (Tamil:கூட்டு) is a Tamil word means ‘add’ eg. vegetable added with lentils which form the dish, made of vegetable and lentils and are semi-solid in consistency. They are less watery than sambar, but more watery than dry curries. I learn something new every day. I forget easily though…

I guess that you can eat Pudalangai kootu at home but not in the restaurants.
Tasty and healthy! What can you ask more? Sunil gave me a thumbs-up so I was happy.

Snake gourd koottu with aubergine dish.
Snake gourd koottu with aubergine dish.


インターネットで、蛇瓢箪Kootuレシピを見つける。このサイトの名前は”You too can cook” (あなたも料理ができる)、私にぴったりのサイト。



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