Tag: Rasa

Avial Lunch box

After coming back from our weekly vegetable shopping, Sunil made some delicious Avial (Keralan food)for lunch so I put the left over for his dinner:-) I added an aubergine dish from the recipe by Das Sreedharan (The owner of RASA, Keralan reastaurant in London) and…

Keralan food day! (Tamarind rice, Tindori throne, Moru Kachiathu with Green banana)

Sunil and I watched a Tamil film called “Un Samayal Arayil”. This film is the remake version of Malayalam film “Salt N’ Pepper”. Sunil watched both films and he prefers Salt N’ Pepper but we watched “Un SAmayal Arayil” this time. 日本語文は英語文の後にあります。どうぞ読んでくださいね。