Keralan style Pumpkin curry

I found a yellow pumpkin in our local street market. It reminded of me the delicious pumpkin curry which I learned from Sunil’s friend Prakash in Coorg last October. So I bought a pumpkin and went home.

I love Pumpkin. I love any pumpkin dishes or pumpkin deserts.
So when I went to a local market in Coorg with Sunil and Prakash and saw pumpkins, I asked Prakash if he could prepare pumpkin curry for dinner (I am not shy to ask if it is about food:-)). He agreed and made a delicious Keralan curry for us that day. I enjoyed learning how to cook it as well.
Prakash does homestay in Coorg with her wife who is a teacher and with his two lovely children.
His house is surrounded by coffee plantation and nature. It is a lovely place to stay if you want to be away from the busy city life.
When I came back to Bangalore, I cooked the pumpkin curry for Sunil’s family. We didn’t know that we would get married at that time. Maybe because of the pumpkin curry, my mother in law accepted me as a daughter in law later on. 🙂
I couldn’t find the photos which I took in the cooking session at Prakash’s place so I checked if I can find something similar on the internet. The closest one I found one was “Pumpkin and raw banana curry in coconut gravy – Keralan style” from Sizzling Indian Recipes. I didn’t use raw bananas so I put more pumpkins. It was bit different methods from Prakash but the taste was similar so I was happy. Sunil got some Keralan flaky paratha from local shop. So we enjoyed Keralan style lunch talking about lovely memory in Coorg.

プラカッシュに料理を習ったときの写真が見つからなかったため、インターネットで、それに近いのものを探した。Sizzling Indian Recipesというサイトの”Pumpkin and raw banana curry in coconut gravy – Keralan style”が一番似ていた。でも、私はバナナを使わない代わりに南瓜をその分増やして作ってみた。プラカッシュとちょっと手順が違っていたけれど、でも、味はとても似ていたので、ハッピー。ス二ルが近所のお店でケララのパラタを買ってきてくれた。ク―ルグの思い出話に花を咲かせながらのケララ風ランチを楽しんだ。