Joy of giving
Sunil always introduce me good Tamil and Malayalam films. During our bicycle trip in Kerala last year, Sunil told me about a film “Ustad Hotel”. I love films based on food! This film sounded so good so I told him that I will definitely watch it one day. Much to my surprise, he found the DVD during the trip and he gave it to me!
This is a story about a young man who has a passion about food and became a great chef. He left his house against to his father who had a different dream for his son. He went to his maternal grand father who owns the popular restaurant Ustad Hotel in seaside village in Kerala and learned everything from him. It is a lovely heartwarming film.
Toward the end of film, the young man met a man called Narayaran Krishnan who used to be a great chef in a posh restaurant but he changed his carrier after he met a poor old man on the street. He became a social worker and he cooks and gives free food to the people on the streets.
What I didn’t know was that Narayaran Krishnan is a real person. I found him in one of the TED talks “The Joy of Giving” recently by chance. It made me think about my last two months in India. I was thinking more about “the joy of receiving” rather than “giving”. When you are in a difficult situation, you tend to think only about yourself, feel sorry for yourself and forget about others. There are no joy.
I cannot start anything as big as Narayaran Krishnan but I hope that I can give some joy to people who I love as a start. Maybe a simple yet delicious homely food!
Akshaya Trust India
ス二ルはいつも、良いタミル映画とマラヤラン映画を教えてくれる。去年、ケララに自転車旅行にいったとき、「Ustad Hotel」という映画について、話してくれた。私は食べ物を扱った映画が好きだし、この映画も良さそうだったから、「いつか絶対みたい!」と言った。なんと、そしたら、その旅の最中にどこからかそのDVDを見つけてきてくれた。
この映画は、涎がたれそうになるシーンがたくさん。お話は、食に情熱を持つある青年が、息子に大きな夢を持つ父親と仲違し、家を出、ケララの漁村にあるUstad Hotelという人気あるレストランを経営する母親方の祖父のもとで筋の通ったシェフに成長するまでを描いた心温まる映画。映画の後半に、この青年は、ナラヤラン・クリシュナンとい人物に会う。この人物は、昔高級なレストランで働いていたが、あるとき、道で貧しい老人にあってから、仕事をやめ、ソーシアルウァーカーとなり、貧しい人のために、食事を作り、無料で提供するという役だった。