Good bye Vietnam!! さようなら ベトナム!!
It was hard to leave our wonderful temporary nest in Hanoi. We had almost forgotten how to ask strangers to pitch a tent and we thought that it would be difficult to go back to the road and leave the luxurious life.
But once we put all our luggage and started to peddle, everything went back to normal and we were enjoying the ride. When we came far away from Hanoi and crossed a river somewhere, we could say good bye to Hanoi and was looking forward to the journey ahead.
We stopped to have a breakfast on a small stall by the road. They sold kebab sandwiches. We were not expected it to be good but surprisingly it was good. It could be the best sandwich we had in Vietnam for 0.5dollar :-).
When the scenery started to change from the busy city to the rice fields, we were not shy to ask to pitch our tent. We saw a small temple with a beautiful gate and decided to ask if we can stay that night. There were no monks and an old lady said “No! No!” so, we left there and went for our next target. It was just a few buildings away from the temple.
We saw two old men were talking behind the gate. We asked them if we could pitch our tent (not confidently) but to our surprise, they said yes and invited us in. From then on, they gave us soya milk, coffee, fruits and sweets etc continuously. The owners wife and the daughter in law came out. This old couple has a son who is working in Czech republic and we talked with him while he was working in a store on skype. They seemed to enjoy watching how their son works for 24 round the clock. The daughter in law could speak a little bit English so we communicated with her using her mobile phone language translation tools. She had a 4 month old baby who didn’t mind to be held by anyone and kept smiling.
In the evening, they asked us to come inside to have a dinner with them. To have pork, vegetable soup and rice are the standard dinner menu in Vietnam. There were some extra meat dishes on the table and also beer! Then we had some fruits for dessert.
They had a karaoke set and the wife started to sing. As we always do, me and Sunil complimented her singing… Then she never stopped singing and didn’t give the microphone to anyone… The daughter in law asked if I want to sing, I said no but I told her that I don’t mind learning some simple Vietnamese song. They put Vietnamese National anthem to learn so I stood up and joined them singing the song. They repeated the music until Sunil was really fed up with the music. I still can sing some part of the song. “Vietnam Ho chi min, Vietnam Ho chi min….”
After dinner we told the owner that we are going to pitch our tent, then everything changed. We thought that they agreed about it in a first place but three of them said “you need to go to the police station to register if you are not staying in a hotel”. Then we thought that we could come back to the house after reporting to the police but they tried to explain with gesture and Google translation and we understood that it was illegal to let foreigners to stay and they were afraid that their neighbors would report that we were staying with them. We were not sure what was going to happen to us but said good bye to ladies.
It was already dark, we were bit tipsy and followed the owner who looked completely drunk. He drove motorbike slowly for us.
After 20 mins or so, we arrived at the police head quarter. We saw a light in one room but it was locked. There was a mobile phone on the table so we knocked the door and asked if anyone there. We waited and waited but no sign of officers. The owner seemed to be very anxious and started talking in Vietnamese to us. He seemed saying that he ll go out and find policemen. He left the police station and we just waited thinking what was going to happen next.
About 30 mins later, the owner came back with two policemen. They invited us in to the room and offered us tea. They were young policemen and didn’t know what to do with us and called someone else. A few minutes later, a slightly older policeman came and asked to show him passports. He examined our passports and explained to us with gesture and some English that we cannot stay or pitch a tent in local people’s house and asked us to book a hotel. We told him that we are on a budget tour with bicycle and do not stay in hotels and don’t have money for it. He nodded and made several telephone calls to someone and explained our situation. Meanwhile, we asked him if we could pitch our tent somewhere in the police station. He hung up the phone and said, we can pitch the tent outside. We said “Kamang! Kamang!” (Thank you! Thank you!) several times. He took our passports as the hostage and asked us to come back the next morning at 7am.
A young policeman showed us where we could pitch our tent and looking at our every movement until we went into the tent and turned off the light. We could hear that the gate was closed and three policemen left the police station.
We felt safe and slept well that night. Sunil was very happy as sleeping in a police station was one of his wired dreams although his real dream was to sleep in a cell…
A young officer came to the police station early in the morning. As soon as he gave our passport back, we left there. It was drizzling that day but we were happy and laughed about our funny experience.
About two hours later, we decided to have a breakfast in a small noodle shop. There were full of police officers inside of the shop. Officers with green and kaki colour uniform with hat looked cool and powerful but even we didn’t do anything wrong, we kind of hesitated to go in. They were smoking, drinking tea and eating noodles.
What a day! Another policemen! They were very friendly and they were happy to see Indian man (Sunil) come in to the shop and offered us tea.
The rain was getting harder so we stayed in the shop for a while. The shop owner didn’t speak much nor smile but he was kind. He kept giving us fruits and sweets after police officers left.
The rain seemed to stop so we went back to the road. When she stopped for lunch, the rain started again. There were no customer in the restaurant. They had an open kitchen so we went in to the kitchen and pointed a few ingredients and asked for some fried rice with vegetable and chicken. They nodded and started to cook efficiently. After twenty minutes or so, they brought some fried chicken, vegetable soup and boiled rice! Well… that was not what we wanted but it was very delicious. We enjoyed the lunch but it was slightly over our daily budget.
The rain didn’t stop but we left the road side restaurant when it was getting slightly less. We decided to hunt for the house to pitch our tent earlier on that day.
The first house we targeted had a sign board outside of their house. We were not sure if it was a hotel or not but we went in. A man was outside so we asked him if we could pitch our tent in his place for one night. An old lady also came out so we explained to her as well. We gestured that it is raining and cannot go any further so we wonder if they can let us pitch our tent. Both of them were talking in Vietnamese and said “Yes”.
雨は、止まる様子がなかったが、小雨になってきたので、レストランを出ることにした。前日のことを思い出し、この日は早めにテントを張る場所を探すことにした。最初に尋ねた家は、家の外に看板をつる下げていた。ゲストハウスかもしれないなと思いながら、中に入っていくと、男の人が家の外にいたので、一晩テントを張らせてもらえないか聞いた。中からおばさんが出てきたので、おばさんにも聞いてみた。雨が降っているから先に進めないので、テントをを張らせてもらえないかと身振り手振りの繰り返し。二人はベトナム語で話し合っている様子だったが、「Yes! 」と言ってくれた。
They invited us to come inside for a tea. A man asked Sunil if he would like to play the Chinese chess. The pawns were written in Chinese so I told Sunil which was horse, King, soldier. They have elephant and something else as well. It looked similar but the movement of the each pawn was completely different from the chess. Each time Sunil tried to move his pawn, the man waved and said “no no” (you cannot do!) and Sunil kept saying “I don’t know what I am doing” looking hopeless. Sunil was defeated easily and the man was very happy that he won against a man who didn’t know the rule!
We guessed that the sign board was saying that “parking space for bicycle” as a group of students came in and took their bicycle and left the house. His two young sons came back from the primary school with their grand father so I made a few origami for them.
Sunil and I felt that the old man didn’t like the idea that we pitch our tent inside his house. He showed Sunil that we could pitch our tent outside of his gate. Then suddenly someone who could speak English came in and asked us “so what do you want to do in here?”
We explained our situation and he told us the same story what we heard the day before. They cannot let foreigner to pitch a tent and he suggested us to go to the next village as it is smaller and they probably will let us stay easily. It was getting dark so we had to act quickly. The old lady was cooking dinner and asked us to eat and go but we had to leave.
Luckily the rain had stopped. We hurried to leave this town. When we thought that it could be another village, we found a man and a woman who were standing at the gate of their house. We asked them if we could pitch our tent with our usual gesture and they said “yes” and showed us their shed. We decided to put our tent in the shed immediately before they changed their mind.
The back of the house had a beautiful view. You could see the tea plantations far away.
There was a table in front of their house and they were having tea and asked us to join them. They were looking after their grand son while the daughter in law were at work. The little boy was bit naughty and made us laugh. We played with him entire evening. He liked to sit on Sunil’s shoulder.
These two couples were incredibly warm. Our communication was limited but we were having a good time with them. When the daughter in law came back from her work, they invited us to have a dinner with them. The little fish cooked with funnel was very tasty. The daughter in law could speak English so we found out more about the family. The daughter in law was surprised that we were sleeping in the shed but not in the house and suggested us to stay inside. But we didn’t trouble them too much and also it was not so cold so, we told her that it was perfectly ok for us to sleep in the shed. The boy and the daughter in law lives in another place. The daughter in law leaves the boy at the in laws house before she goes to work, have a dinner together when she comes back and go back to their house. The boy didn’t want to say good bye to us and started to cry. We left the sight until he calmed down. Once the boy and the mother were on the bike, we came out and said good bye.
As the couple gave us an extra blanket, it was very warm and we slept really well. I woke up with the boy’s voice the next morning. Sunil was still sleeping and the boy tried to tickle him.
We quickly packed everything and said good bye to this lovely family.
The rain had stopped and it was a fine day. It was probably the first day that we had a clear blue sky in Vietnam. Feeling very fresh and we peddled the bicycle looking at the tea plantations. The tea plantation area is very touristic in India but this place was not touristic at all. It seemed that nobody cared about the tea plantation. They were not as big as the ones you see in India or Japan. It could be just for the family use or selling in the local markets but it was still pretty to look at. There were small up hills and down hills but after our trip in Laos, it was very easy.
We enjoyed the beautiful scenery and waved our hands and greeted to friendly local people.
We arrived in a big restaurant in a small town and decided to have a lunch. There were nobody but the shop keepers were having lunch. They were having clams & green vegetable soup and rice. We ordered the same things as well as chicken. The building looked traditional and had lots of certificates on the wall. They had not cleaned up all the tables yet and hence we could sense that many customers came here for lunch.
Our tummy was too full to ride but we had to move on… We cycled looking at the tea plantation here and there. Occasionally Sunil gave me some motivation to ride telling me something like “we can have an orange when we reach the top”. A stick and a candy definitely works for me!
お腹が一杯になりすぎて、重い体で自転車に乗るなんて考えられなかったが、私達は先に進まなければならなかった。引き続きお茶畑を時々目にしながら自転車をこいだ。 時々スニルが、「あの坂を登りきったらオレンジを食べよう」と言っては、私を励ましてくれた。私に必要なのは、まさに飴と鞭!
We were expected to be told that we could not pitch our tent in some houses on that day but we were confident that someone would let us stay in the end. We were getting closer to a big mountain so we decided to hunt for a house although it was still much earlier than our usual hunting time. After a few climbs of the hills, we saw a house selling prawn pastes in bottles in front of their house. They were our first target on that day. A young lady, her mother and a little girl were in the garden. We asked if we could pitch our tent with gesture. Sunil showed the photo of our tent which we pitched in another place. The young lady understood and convinced her mother so that we could pitch our tent in front of the house. We wanted to play with the little girl but she didn’t want to. It was the first time that we were rejected! She was too shy and hid behind the young lady and quickly disappeared inside the house. We found out that the little girl was the niece of the young lady. Her grandmother who lived near by also came to see us. Her brother seemed not too happy about our stay but again the young lady managed to shut him up.
It was still early but we pitched our tent before someone says no. Then I went out for a quick walk to take some photos. It was very cold and I found a small stall where an old lady selling the paste. She was putting fire to warm her body so I joined her and talked to her. The neighbors came out from the house and we were chatting until Sunil called me to come back. According to Sunil, the grandmother of the young lady was not happy that I was talking and sitting with the other old lady. My wild guess was that when the grandmother was young, she and the other old lady were fell in love with a same man and the other old woman got married with him and the grand mother was still not happy about it… Anyway, I went back and decided to sit still:-)
We did not expect that we will be given dinner on that night but the young lady and her mum invited us to come inside and to have dinner with them. The mother was humming beautifully while she was setting the table. The little girl’s mother who is the young lady’s sister came back from her work and we all sat and ate together. It was cooked by the young lady. It was well seasoned and every dish was very tasty! The little cousins who lived close by came and the house was getting lively. Sunil was invited to have Vietnamese Sake by the uncle of the young lady and he disappeared one point and then came back looking slightly tipsy.
During that night, it rained and we woke up middle of night as the tent was getting wet. We moved the tent under the roof and went back to bed.
The next morning, the family insisted us to have a breakfast with them. We said no but they had already put noodles on our bowls and we couldn’t say no to them anymore. It was cooked by the young lady again and it was yummy. After breakfast we packed everything quickly including the wet tent…
Grandmother and some other people came to see us off. We took photos with them and left there.
Although it had rained in the evening, the sky was clear on that day. We went up hills and down hills. We started to see many sliced wood, which were beautifully kept to dry by the road. The scenery of the wave of woods continued miles and miles. This area must be very rich and successful with wood industry. Many houses were very big and had a big garage and good cars.
We came to a big house, where a middle aged couple were standing outside. We just asked if we could pitch the tent in front of their big garage. Not just they said “yes” but they asked us to stay inside and they showed us a big spare room.
It was a big house and we noticed their Christian alter. They had a statue of Mary, the picture of the last supper, and the picture of Jesus and Mary etc. It was our first time to meet someone who were Christians in Vietnam. We didn’t see any church so far but it seemed that there was a big church nearby. With Limited English and gesture, we found out that the owner has his own wood business and exports woods to China.
With Sunil’s great idea, I started to make bracelets to the hosts to say thank you after I got some materials in Hanoi. I sometimes picked empty pet bottles on the road for bracelet making . Just to keep a small conversation with their daughter and wife, I made a bracelets for them. Once I made it for the daughter, she went out and came back with a friend. So I made it for the friend as well then they went out and came back with another girl and two boys. So I made three extra bracelets quickly. The boys were not shy at all and they enjoyed making origami and playing games with me. Meanwhile, the owner started to clean his car and Sunil joined him to clean our dirty Bromptons.
The wife told us that we could use hot shower. We were grateful with the offer as we had not taken shower after we left Hanoi and we were dying to take ones.
The wife invited us to come to a dining room for the dinner but she didn’t join for the dinner as she was on a diet and the slightly chubby side of the son and the daughter also hardly ate anything. Th dinner was too much for the owner and us. The owner and wife went out to see friends after dinner and we were home alone with kids including neighbors’kids. After some neighbors came to pick up their kids, we slowly went to our room and went to bed.
We left the house the next day just after the daughter went to school.
The piles of woods are on the both sides of roads and we continued cycling looking at beautifully laid sliced woods.
We came to a town which had many restaurants. We saw a photo of the Vietnamese spring rolls in one shop so we went in. Although they didn’t have spring rolls, the customers were eating yummy looking foods so we ordered exactly same food as the table behind us. It was probably the most delicious lunch we had after we left Hanoi. Egg omelet, fried vegetable and chickens were well cooked. The omelet was yellow and fluffy and tasted so good. Then we saw a group of foreigners on Harley stooped in front of the restaurant and came in. Sunil started to talk to one of the guy. They were from Sweden but lived in Thailand and went for a trip to China by motor bike. They ride at least 300 km per day and they left China in the morning when we met them. They were of age group between 40 to 60 and they told us that the road from where we were to China won’t be very good so we mentally prepared that the last ride from Vietnam to China could be like the journey from Laos to Vietnam.
We decided to enjoy the relatively good road as much as possible after we talked to the Swedish group. We were almost close to Lao Cai which is the town of China border but we decided not to push ourselves too much as we had enough time before we enter China.
After three o’clock, we started to look for a house to stay.
We saw one lady was about to enter her house and we asked if we could pitch a tent. When she said no to us, a local man passed by, stopped and asked if we have any problem. Then she told us to come in. She started to clean the fallen leaves in front of the house so that we can pitch our tent (that was what I thought at that point) so I took her broom and cleaned the front yard. Then we entered the house and she gave us tea and orange. We understood that her daughter got married and lives in Hanoi and her husband comes back home around 5pm and she had to ask him if we can stay in their house. We told her that we understand and no problem to wait for him. But then suddenly she told us that we need to leave the house before her husband comes back and asked us to find a hotel. We were not sure what was happening but it was still not too dark and we didn’t want to trouble this lady so we said thank you to her and left.
After two mins or so, we found a house which had a shed and a big space in front of the house. Sunil asked me to go inside the house as he thought that I am less frightening than him.
So I went inside the gate and shouted “Hello! Hello!” A lady came out from somewhere. Meanwhile, a young girl started talking to Sunil and asked if she can help us and she came to help me. I explained the girl that we have a tent and sleeping bags and just need a space to pitch our tent. She explained to the lady and the lady agreed, said it is ok and asked me to follow her. When me and the girl followed the lady, her husband was putting sliced woods into piles. I explained to him that we were traveling from Thailand and we need to pitch our tent. He was waving his hand and I thought that he was not going to let us stay. I asked the girl “so we cannot stay?” But she said “Yes, you can stay!” So I said “kamang” and went back to Sunil with the girl to give him the good news.
The helpful girl seemed to be very happy that we found a place to stay and left the house. The husband and wife carried on with their work. We asked if we could help them but they declined our offer.
We were not expected to be fed that night and Sunil went to hunt for food.
After 30 mins, he came back with some biscuits and a snack called “Anandi” which has the Indian TV series actors photo on the package. In Vietnam, this Indian TV series seems to be very popular and everyone seems to watch the programme. Maybe that is also one of the reason that everyone want to take a photo with Sunil.
The couple finished their work and came back to the house. We talked to the husband and showed some photos of our trips while the wife was walking in between the house and the shed. We saw the kitchen in the shed and she was boiling the hot water using some logs.
After sometime, they invited us to come to their house for a dinner. They had a beautiful looking house but it was not completed inside and we realized that for some part of cooking, they used their old kitchen which is in the shed. Their son came back from work and joined us for dinner. We all cheered with beer. Similar to most of the house we stayed, the dinner consisted of rice, vegetable soup and a pork dish and a fish dish. The fish dish the lady made was very tasty. She used the local river fish. The husband started to open his mouth bit more after a couple of beers but his son’s mouth was shut until the end and he disappeared after he finished his meal.
It was still quite early to go to bed and we were not tired so we watched a film. It was the first time we watched a film in this trip. We really enjoyed it in the tent and slept peacefully after.
We woke up earlier than birds and packed our luggage quickly. We gave a bracelet to the wife and said good by to the quiet but nice couple.
We were already close to Lao Cai and there were no up hills or down hills. It was flat and very easy road. We were not sure why the Swedish man said the road was muddy and not good but we enjoyed the ride anyway.
About 10 mins later we passed one local school, one school boy started to talk to me. He was riding a Vietnamese motor bike which lots of students were using and it looks like a bicycle.
“Where are you from?”
“I am from Japan and he is from India”
“What is your name?” Etc etc
I thought that he would take over us and go but he kept staying next to me and kept asking a question and he said.
“You are very friendly”
“You are very friendly too” I said to him.
After we rode about 5km, I asked him where is his house and he pointed the house with green roof. We were about to say good bye to him but he insisted us to come to his house for a tea. We were not in a hurry and also wanted him to be happy so we went after him.
His house had a small mobile phone shop in front. His young pretty mother welcomed with a big smile to two strange guests who her son brought. She offered us biscuits, chocolate pies and tea. She is a primary school teacher. The boy and the mum used google translation time to time while we were talking. The boy looked at the Google translation and said “Eat here!” The mum and the boy asked us to have lunch with them. They made us easy to say “thank you!” and we stayed their for lunch. The boy’s younger sister came back from her school, she was very excited to see us and couldn’t hide her emotion. The mum and I went to kitchen and I helped her cooking. Meanwhile Sunil was talking with the boy and the lovely girl. Sunil said that she was jumping around with happiness.
The house had their own small vegetable garden and hen house. The mother used eggs from their hen house and vegetables from their garden. She cooked omelet with spring onions. How she cooked omelet was very similar to Japanese style. She cut Daikon radish (mooli) thinly and cooked with some oil and seasonings which also we have something smilier dish in Japan but Sunil said there is something similar in India too. She also cooked one pork dish. Everything was very tasty. The lovely girl kept serving our bowls and Sunil kept serving her bowl. The young girl opened two Vietnamese chocolate boxes and asked us to eat. It was our first Vietnamese chocolates!
I made three bracelets for this lovely family then the boy had to go back to school. We realized that he came back home just for lunch. We said good bye to him and saw him off. Then his little sister who had a little bit more time brought a model magic and started to make a monkey. She and her mother needed to go back to school as well but they quickly made a monkey and gave it to us. We were so touched with their kindness. They were so sweet and lovely people to be with and we wanted them to come to our trip but of course they could’t. Instead of them, the monkey doll will be with us wherever we go in our journey. The mum and the girl saw us off before they went back to school.
Our heart was filled up with the warm feeling and felt much lighter to peddle. We couldn’t stop talking about how nice the family was. Lao Cai was almost there.
We saw tall buildings in our sight and knew that we were already in Lao Cai. We went to a cafe and Sunil quickly found a hotel nearby, our first hotel in Vietnam. It was on the street which has some markets and restaurants. We had a lovely room. All the necessary amenity was there. It was bit luxurious for us but we cycled all the way from Hanoi and didn’t stay in any hotels on the way, Sunil wanted to reward ourselves.
We stayed there for one night and the next day we checked out. Sunil asked the hotel owner if we could leave our luggage and bicycles for 6 days while we are in Sapa. Eventually the owner agreed but we were not sure if he agreed to keep it until 6pm or 6 days but we left there anyway and went to the bus stop to Sapa. On the way to the bus stop, we went to a restaurant called “Saigon”. We guessed that they have some south Vietnamese food from their name. Everyone was ordering the dish which looked like a block of deep fried noodles cut into chunks and cooked with eggs and vegetables. We never seen it before and we were curious so we ordered it. The restaurant was full of people who were completely drunk in the middle of the day. A man came to us with Vietnamese sake and offered us to drink. It seemed like most of the tables were booked by one group. Both men and women were drinking more than eating… We put lots of mints and some herbs on the dish which we ordered and dipped in a sauce.. It was good and very filling.
We were completely full but we had a space for the desert as always so we went to a Vietnamese sweet “Che” shop. The flavor of the coconuts spread in the mouth and we were happy!
We eventually reached to the bus stop to Sapa. Sapa is famous for the beautiful rice terrace and we were very excited about it. After the bus left the city and went up and up the hills, we could see a beautiful rice terrace on our right time to time. I couldn’t stop telling Sunil “Look! Look!” although he was already looking at it. Our friend Laura who we met in Lao sent us a message saying “You will be harassed by the local ladies in Sapa” and we were not sure what she meant before we reached Sapa but we knew what Laura meant as soon as we stepped out from the bus. Ladies dressed with traditional local costume chased us asking “ Do you want to buy this?” “Do you want to do trekking with me?” Even one person gave up talking to us, the other one came.
Later on, we heard that some people who are dressed up with traditional clothes are not necessary local people. They dressed up for the business. Little children and old people were ?also wearing traditional clothes and selling goods.
Sunil and I both thought that Sapa looked like any Indian hill station. It was very foggy in the evening. There is a church in front of a square. Still they had lots of lights on the trees from the Vietnamese new year celebration and it looked like Christmas time.
One of our another reason to come to Sapa was that we found a couch surfing host. When we arrived at the square at our meeting time, a young lady with traditional costume carrying her baby on her back came. We heard from the Swiss couple who were with her that she is using a couch surfing for her business and staying at her place and doing trek with her would be over our budget so we decided not to stay in her place and said good bye to her. This is not something we expected, but we decided to stay and have relaxed time in Sapa. We found a cheap guest house and Sunil bargained even cheaper. The room was a single room and we felt that the duvet was wet but the manager told us that it was just cold. He put electric sheet under the sheet but it didn’t work…. We had to put sleeping bags in between sheet and duvet so that we don’t feel so cold. We stayed there for three nights but the manager was grumpy and the room was too cold so we moved to the hostel which was much better. It was run by three sisters and the owner was extremely friendly. The room and duvet were much warmer. Besides, the room was cleaner and the room was cheaper.
As we only have 30 days visa in China, we calculated when we can enter China and we had 5 more days to spend in Vietnam. So we stayed 5 nights in Sapa. Sapa was much much more touristic than we thought. Everything was over priced and we had to avoid everything including visiting some local villages or going to the mountains.
One day, we went for a long walk. Many local ladies and local men approached us to sell their package tour but we smiled and said “no thank you” and carried on walking. The center of Sapa is full of souvenir shop, restaurants and cafes for tourists. You don’t feel like you are in Vietnam, but feel like you are in Switzerland or somewhere in Europe. We were bit disappointed that Sapa is so commercialized but hoping that it will be different once we leave the central town. We walked down the street without a local guide. We crossed bamboo woods and we saw local houses and vegetable gardens. The pink flower was blossoming and we felt that the spring had come. We came to a check point that we had to pay to go further. We wanted to see the rice terrace so we paid unwillingly (we are the poor travellers) and carried on walking. We decided to go off the main road and went to see if we can reach to the rice field. We walked about 20 mins and realized that it wouldn’t go to the rice field so we went back to the main road. On the way, we saw a group of ladies were changing their normal clothes to the traditional clothes by the road…. Then we saw local children were playing and eating sugar cane in front of the primary schools. The children giggled and greeted us saying “Hello! How are you?” When we responded, they giggled again. The children with the beautiful scenery was a perfect photo occasion. After 10 mins walk from there we could see a beautiful rice terrace. It was foggy but the sun was shining on the terrace…. We admire the beauty and enjoyed the silence before we went back to the busy and noisy town.
We found a lady who makes samosa like food on the street. Sunil loves Samosa so he needed to order one. Well well…. It was very tasty. She put rice noodles, mushrooms and minced meat etc in the pastry and deep fried. Then you dip in a cold soup which has small cut carrots, papaya and coriander with sweet and sour sauce.. We had to order one more. It was one of the mouthwatering dish we had in Vietnam and had to visit there every day. Sunil came up with the idea that we put the samosa looking food in a French baguette. We bought a baguette in a shop and went to get the food and put into the bread. It was complete meal and it was even tastier than before so the rest of our stay in Sapa, we visited the stall at least once a day.
In one of the busy street in Sapa, Sunil spotted an Indian family. He asked me “Shall we talk to them?” And I said “Why not?” We crossed the street and went to the family. Sunil said “Hi! Are you from India?” The father said “No. We are from London” He sounded bit cautious. Sunil explained that we were traveling from Thailand by bicycle and hadn’t met Indian travelers yet. Once they knew that we were travelers and not trying to sell something to them, they became friendly. The father laughed and admitted that he thought that Sunil might do something to them as they had a bad experience by stranger who started to talk to them “Hi! Are you Indian?” in Germany. They were extremely friendly family. Two grown up daughters, mum and the father travel once a year together. We all agreed that we felt that we were in a hill station in India. We found out that they were originally from Gujarat but settled in London long time back. We enjoyed talking with them exchanging the traveling experience. We felt like we were talking to our old friend and didn’t feel like we just met each other. When we were talking about how much Sunil missed Indian food in the mountain in Laos, they sympathized with him. Then the mum and a daughter disappeared to their hotel and came back with a bag full of Indian snack. They told us that they brought all these snacks just in case they don’t have anything to eat while they are traveling in South East Asia countries as they are vegetarian but they didn’t have any problem finding vegetarian food so they are happy to give those snacks to us for our emergency supplies. They needed to go to Lao Cai to get to a train to Hanoi in the afternoon so we said good bye to them but Sunil and I thought that we will probably meet them again either in London or in India.
On the last day in Sapa, Sunil used the opportunity to use wifi and tried to finish all the work which he needed to do, so I went out for a walk. One of the attraction in Sapa is to go to a village called “ Cat Village”. It sounded extremely touristic and fake but I headed to go there. I met a Polish guy on the way to the village and I asked him how was the Cat Village. He told me he didn’t want to go to the too touristic place where he had to pay again so he went off the road and didn’t go to the cat village. It sounded better to me so I decided to do the same as him. When I saw a small street off the main road I went up and started to walk in between the vegetable garden. You could see yellow, pink, green carpet everywhere. It was beautiful. I carried on walking and nobody was there. I was on my own enjoyed listening the birds and the sounds of stream. I was in a small valley one point looking at the beautiful mountain range. After about one hour or so, I saw a local ladies working in the woods. I shouted saying “Hello!” and she shouted back to me saying “Hello!”. I saw a road on top of the hill and thought that I could go back to the central Sapa from there. But once I reached to the top, the stray dogs started to bark at me and I thought that they would attack me and I was very scared. I found a stone and a branch and grabbed them just in case. I slowly went back to the same route avoiding fighting with dogs. My heart was pounding for a while but soon I enjoyed walking looking at the mountains. I wished that Sunil were with me though.
When I went back to the hostel, Sunil was chatting with his new friends who were from Singapore and finished trekking in Sapa. They were very funny and friendly ladies. We decided to go to a local market for lunch with them. We couldn’t find this local market on previous two nights so we were determined to go there on our last day. We finally found a market. It was full of local people selling and buying vegetables, fruits, meats etc. It was much nice atmosphere than the central town. We tried a few snacks and went to a restaurant full with local people. We loved being there. The ladies wearing traditional clothes there looked more authentic than the people who we saw in the central town. We were four of us and we ordered 4 different items and shared. It came with big potion and we were extremely full afterwards. We exchanged our stories over the lunch and had a fun time. After lunch we had “Che” in a small stall with the help of local primary students.
Me and Sunil went out in the evening for the last supper in Sapa. While we were in Sapa, we kept bumping to a Scottish guy who lived in Goa for a long time selling his paintings and now retired in Scotland. We met him again on the way to a restaurant. He told us that he finished reading two books and needed to find another book to read but couldn’t find a book shop. It was shame that we didn’t have a book to swap with his books as we read book on iPad and mobile phone. Shamelessly, I asked him if he doesn’t mind to give us one of his book. He said “yes!” We asked him to come to visit us in India but he told us that he is afraid to go to India as he won’t leave if he go there again as he loves India a lot but now he is getting old and will stay in Scotland instead. He gave us a book which was by Indian author and I am reading now.
After the supper we went back to the hostel and waited for Singaporean girls to come back as they promised us to help us translating and recording some useful phrases when we get to China. They came back very late but they didn’t forget their promise and asked us to come to their room. We first asked them to write in Chinese. The first one was “We are an Indo-Japanese couple traveling around the world by cycling. Can you give us a
Lift to…..” The second one was “ We are an Indo-Japanese couple traveling around the world. We have a sleeping bag and tent. Can we pitch the tent in your garden?” The last one was “Where is the toilet?” They wrote it very neatly in Chinese and then we asked them to record the phrases on my mobile phone. First they couldn’t stop laughing and one of them had to go out the room to recorded it. It was very late and everyone was sleeping in the next door but we couldn’t stop laughing. We had fun recording session and said good bye to the lovely and funny Singaporean girls.
We woke up early in the morning and went to the bus stop. We had a little bit time on the bus and suddenly Sunil asked me “Do you have my wallet?” “I think so” I replied. But when I checked my bag, his wallet was not there and we remembered that the wallet was with him. We checked all our luggage but it was not there. Losing money was ok but losing cards in foreign country were trouble some especially we just started our trip, so we got off the bus and hurried to the hostel. Sunil checked the room but it was not there. I checked the bakery where we bought some sweet after dinner the night before but it was not there. Then Sunil came out from the cafe in the hostel with his wallet. He found a wallet under the table where he was working all day the previous day. We were relieved and hurried to the bus stop. The bus was still there and we were still the first passenger to get on.
You really can enjoy the scenery through out the journey from Sapa to Lao Cai and we thought that it might be better doing trek from Sapa to Lao Cai rather than staying in Sapa. You can see beautiful rice terraces and you can visit the villages which is not touristic and more authentic. The tourism is definitely supporting the income of local people but if they could develop the tourism a little bit different way, they might be able to bring more tourists who would be happy to stay there longer. After we arrived Lao Cai, we went back to the hotel straight. Phew! Our luggage and bicycle were still there. Before we left Vietnam, we had a lovely breakfast and had our last “Che” (Vietnamese sweets).
It was only 5mins bicycle ride to the immigration.
The officer was so relaxed and asked us to leave our bikes and luggages outside of the building (no x-ray for our luggages) and we got our exit stamp. The same officer took us to the gate where we could see the Chinese immigration. Finally the long awaited China was in front of us.
Our heart was bumping with the excitement and step toward China with our sweet memories in Vietnam.
入国管理所まで自転車でたった5分だった。係員はとてものんびりしていて、荷物と自転車は建物の外に置いたまま (X線に通す必要なし)、私達は出国スタンプをもらった。その後同じ係員が私達を中国の入国管理所が見える門まで連れて行ってくれた。ついに、ずっとずっと楽しみにしていた中国が私達の目の前に!興奮で心臓が高鳴った。ベトナムでのたくさんの素敵な思い出を胸に私達は中国へ一歩踏み出した。