Being Lazy in Hanoi のんびりハノイ日記

The next day we started with on a flat nice road. It was nice to ride with 20 kids on their way to the school. I  was racing with one of the kid which looked like Vietnam version of Tour De France and of course in the end I lost. Yuka enjoyed watching my defeat from the back.


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After a while it started to rain.. we did not have a single penny in our pockets, we ate the last biscuit and the ATM was still 75km away. I was worried if ATM is opened, if my card is going to work..etc Then a small van that carries bread gave a free ride for 20km.


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The breakfast time was over and so was the lunch time and at 2 PM we entered a town and saw the ATM. The reaction was similar to the Tom Hanks’s when he saw a ship in the movie Cast Away. We took “20 million” out to spend in Vietnam. How cool does that sound, but 20 million VND is $90. All of a sudden we felt rich. You know what we did next, yes you guessed it right. We went to the next restaurant and ate Tofu cooked with Tomato, Vietnamese Rolls, Rice, Vegetables and Pho. The entire bill was 50,000 dong, we didn’t know how much was it yet in rupee or dollar, so we were not sure if we were getting cheated as we didn’t know the conversion rate yet. Then when we reached Hanoi we realised it was $2.

朝食の時間、そして昼食の時間もすでに過ぎた2時頃、次の街に入り、ATMをようやく見つけた。そのときの私達の反応は、トムハンクスの映画「キャスト・アウェイ」でトムハンクスがようやく船を見つけたときのようだった。私達は、ベトナム滞在費用に「2千万」引き出した。すごい!と一瞬思うけど、ネトナムの2千万ドンは90ドルぐらい (笑 。お財布にお金が入り、突然リッチになった気分になった。その次に私達がしたことは、きっと簡単に想像していただけるはず。ご名答!すぐ先で目にしたレストランに入り、遅めの昼食。豆腐をトマトで煮たもの。ベトナム揚げ春巻き。ご飯、野菜炒め、ホー(ヌードルスープ)。レシートは5万ドン。ドンが、インドルピやドルに換算するといくらになるか、この時点ではまだ分かっていなかったので、安いのか高いのか、騙されているのか分からなかった。ハノイについた後にようやく、この昼食がたった2ドルだったことが分かった。

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We reached Hanoi by 5.30 PM. Though the traffic was extremely chaotic there was a method in the madness and it was not difficult to ride.


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The city was beautiful.


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The place where our friend live was next to a big lake with lot of coffee shops and restaurents of almost every cousine and most of them were packed with expats.


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Our friend, Gergana welcomed us to her beautiful french style villa with a glass of red wine. Yuka was over the moon to see her good friend. Gergana and Yuka know each other from London. They used to hang out a lot before Gergana moved to Hanoi 4 years ago to teach Spanish in an international school. We had a nice time when Gergana came to Hyderabad for her last summer holiday and we had lot of things to catchup on.


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She made an amazing dinner for us, roasted veg with cous cous and goat cheese on top. We enjoyed Bulgarian feta cheese and French Baguette with olive oil and Balsamic vinegar. We had a nice shower followed by a sound sleep.

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The next day we sent all the required documents for the Chinese visa to get it printed to Gergana and we left to explore Hanoi.


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We saw these bikes for free test ride made of wood designed by a Scottish in the Ly Thai To Monument Square in the old town.


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French ruled Vietnam in the mid-19 century and you can clearly see it through the buildings and the way the city is designed.


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The market in the old town sold all kind of Vietnamese food.


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We tried the Vietnamese roll (Nam) with shrimp and several other dishes including Yuka’s favourite food Ban Xai.

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During our stay at Gergana’s place, I had a chance to cook South Indian food several times and Yuka cooked Japanese. It was great that we could cook again as we both love cooking and we missed it. Gergana always gave us big compliments so it was even more enjoyable to cook.


One day, Gergana took us for a drink in a bar where we can see the spectacular view of Hanoi followed by a dinner in a restaurant where you can taste the foods from all the region of Vietnam. We tried our favourite Ban Xai, Mango Salad, Seabass…etc and of course the Hanoi Beer. We enjoyed the delicious dinner. Then Gergana showed the beautiful part of Hanoi. The evening walk was fun at the same time it was good exercise after we had a feast.


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You see the interesting desserts called “Che” in the small shops in Vietnam. They are colourful and we do not know what to choose. Hence we show the bowl of one of the customers and ask for it.


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The highlight is the harmony between the condensed milk and the strong flavour of coconuts.


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Yuka kept telling she felt she was in France especially when we were in the area where there are many embassies.


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Vietnamese coffee is more like a liquor, strong black coffee poured on condensed milk. We love it.


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On Sunday Gergana took Yuka on a walking tour around the city.


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Their breakfast was in a nice French bakery.


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They visited few temples including the oldest temple in Hanoi.


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They walked all the way to old market through beautiful French area. It sounded like they spent a long time in a nice cafe after lunch.

フランスを思わせる地域を通り抜けオールドタウンまで歩いた。昼食はゲルガーナお勧めのホーのお店でホーを食べ、その後は素敵なギャラリー兼カフェ でゆっくりベトナムコーヒーを頂いた。

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In the evening, Gergana and Yuka went to Gergana’s friend’s cafe bar where Gergana’s  colleagues’ joint birthday party was happening on that evening. Gergana had talked about Yuka’s Matcha project to her friend Jody and he showed the interest in Yuka’s Matcha project. Then he suggested Yuka to come to the party with Gergana so that Yuka could meet his bartender Bao and came up with some good Matcha cocktail recipes.  Yuka came back home with smile as Bao created 5 beautiful cocktails using Matcha. Thanks to Jody, Bao and Gergana, Yuka managed to do Matcha project in Hanoi successfully.


In Vietnam, you see people manage to carry many things on a bicycle or a motor bike.  It seems that our luggages on our bicycles are nothing in front of them.


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People sells fresh fruits everywhere…


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Here are some photos of our bicycles while we enjoyed riding in the city.


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Two days cruise to Haolong Bay was in our agenda. We started checking out the price in the old town. It was $85 per person which included pick-up from Hanoi, food, Kayak, …ect and getting back to Hanoi. We bargained and got a good deal for $45 (as an Indian, Sunil knows how to bargain).We were picked from Hanoi at 8 in the morning with other backpackers and reached the port by 12.30 PM.

私達はハノイ滞在中に、1泊2日でハロン・ベイに行くこと決めていたので、オールドタウンでいろいろな旅行会社に行って値段チェック。ハノイからバスに乗って、ハロン・ベイまで行き、船に乗って一泊、カヤック、鍾乳洞入場券、食事全て込みで1人85ドルというのを、負けに負けてもらって1人45ドルにしてもらう。(値段交渉に慣れてるスニル、さすが!) 朝8時に他の観光客とハノイを出発し、港に12時半に到着。

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The scenery was mind blowing.


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For $45 we did not have much expectation on the food and the room, but it was worth every penny.


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The lunch was a perfect balanced meal, fried peanuts, fried vegetables with chicken, boiled cabbage and a large fish.


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after lunch the cruise stopped at the cave for an hour.


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There were few vendors selling biscuits and snacks on a smaller boat in the evening.


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The landscape started to become prettier and prettier.


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we watched few people kayak from the other cruise…


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and the sunset…


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Then I came up with some silly ideas, for example the pirate of Haolong bay…


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a Vietnam war vetran…


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and few more followed him…


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After delicious dinner with a couple of Haolong bay beer, we had a nice sleep in the cosy room. The next morning was very foggy. We wakeup at 6 AM before everyone and shot our traditional pic in Lungi and Yukata.


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Breakfast was served at 7 in the morning and we head for kayak at 7.30. This was the most enjoyable part of this trip. Silent water, raising sun, foggy mountains and we were in the middle!!


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Again we had a delicious lunch in the cruise, reached Hanoi by 5.30 and said good bye to all the backpackers who travelled with us.

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The next day we got our visa from the Chinese consulate  in no time. It was time for celebration as we head to the old town to try Vietnamese barbecue.


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Yuka created another two new Matcha green tea Vietnamese recepie before we left Hanoi.


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The last night with Gergana, we had an Italian dinner. Gergana got clams and cooked linguine vongole which is Yuka’s all time favourite pasta dish.

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We had our last dinner together with Italian white wine, nice focaccia and olive oil and finish with delicious cakes.We don’t think we will ever have it at least till we reach Italy.


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Our initial plan was to stay with Gergana just for 4 days and attend 10 day Vipassana course in Vietnam, but unfortunately it was moved from Hanoi to Ho Chi Min city. So we had to stay at Gergana’s place a bit longer, but it was fun. Gergana was travelling to India for a 4 days conference on the day before we left Hanoi but she let us stay so we sent her off :).

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It was hard and a bit scary to be back on the road as we were spoilt with luxury. Gergana’s maid Ha saw us off and we finally left Hanoi carrying all the good memories and started to ride north towards China while it started to drizzle!!


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