Bye Laos – Hi Vietnam さようなら ラオス-こんにちは ベトナム!
We were at Sam Nueya, a small city located 85km from the Vietnamese border. Our Vietnamese visa would start only in 4 days later so we needed to stay in Laos until then. Unfortunately, we couldn’t find a good place to eat in Sam Nueya. We found a small shop where they sold Som Tam (papaya salad, which I love) so I was very excited but the taste was not as good as the ones which I tasted in Thiland…
We had planned to visit the next small town Vieng Xai just the day before our Vietnamese visa would start (Feb 13th) as it was just 60km from the border. But after spent two nights in Sam Nuea, we heard that there is an Indian restaurant Vieng Xai from a fellow French traveler Alex.
He recommended us to spend more time in Vien Xai as the village and surroundings are much prettier than Sam Neua and Indian foods are good! In no time we changed our plan and vacated the guest house and pedaled up to Vieng Xai. It was nice and sunny day and also had a good breeze. It was a lovely day for cycling.
It was another series of up and down hills but it was all worth it when we saw an Indian restaurant at the center of the village. We always try to stick to the local food as much as possible, but this was one of the few exceptions:-)
We immediately ordered some poori, chapati, chicken curry and saag (using mastered leaves/rape leaves). The poori was so good and we ordered extra. It became our dining room for the next two days. All the foreigner who were fed up with Lao foods stopped by and no matter how long they have to wait (be it food or simple chai) they waited patiently. Prakash and his wife seemed doing rather good business. They now can speak good Lao and they were not just feeding food to the travelers but feeding good information too.
The owner Prakash and his wife are from Orissa. Prakash were initially working for the mining company for 6 years and after his contract got over, he opened the restaurant instead of going back to India… (Sunil is still not convinced with his answer that he is here because he likes Laos)
This place is very interesting. There were many caves and these caves were used by the Pathet Lao during the Second Indochina War to shelter from American bombardment.
Up to 23,000 people lived in the caves, which contained a hospital, a school, Pathet Lao offices, bakeries, shops, and even a theater. The area was home to the Communist army, who were fighting the royalist forces, based in Vientiane. Locals say that farmers had to farm at night to avoid bombing raids.
We stayed in the guest house on the lake for two nights ($10 for a day). We wanted to stay only in temples during our stay in Laos, but after Luang Prabang we could not find any temples and it started to become extremely colder as we moved north so we needed to give up the idea.
At times, we felt like we were staying in a boat house as the room shook when the small tides hit the foundation. It was owned by Vietnamese couple so we had our first Vietamese coffee in Laos! The strong coffee was mixed with condensed milk and it was sweet and tasted like Irish Liquor.
The next day we tried to go to the local waterfall.
We passed the lovely small houses and went up and down but couldn’t succeed to see a big waterfall, which we wanted.
We stopped and asked many people for the route. Everyone gave us different directions and we realized that there were so many small water falls but the big one was far away. We saw two tiny waterfalls and gave up going to a big one and straight went to the Indian restaurant for the big feast.
We had a delicious fish curry and a dish with cabbage and chick pea in the previous evening, so we decided to try Bengal style fish curry, cabbage and chick pea dish again, vegetable manchurian and tofu chilly with our first Lao beer (we have decided to taste the local beer of each country and Lao Beer is excellent).
We were supposed to have just one but ended up with two. We kind of knew that we won’t be able to eat Indian food for a long time after this so we just ate and ate and enjoyed our last meal in Laos.
In last couple of days, we met many lovely travelers from Korea, Italy, Denmark, Scotland, France and Malaysia etc and we exchanged our stories and useful information. We enjoyed talking to them and listening to interesting stories. We might meet them somewhere in this wonderful small world, which will be great.
We left our guest house early in the morning to have our last Indian breakfast. Laura who we met in Sam Neua and stayed in the same guest house in Vien Xai was also having an early breakfast there. She is Italian and used to be a chef in London and traveling south east Asia enjoying eating local foods wherever she goes. Me and her both liked sticky rice in Laos so we said we would miss this rice in the next place. Sunil and I ordered masala dosa with peanuts chutney. It had some Orissa twist, homely and good although I think the dosas in Bangalore are the best in the world.
We said good bye to Prakash, his wife and Laura, we pedaled to Na Meo, which is the border crossing to Vietnam.
We started to see more and more terraced rice field when we getting closer to the border which gave a hope of getting closer to Vietnam. Sunil’s imagination goes like this, when the border’s were to be created between Laos and Vietnam, Laos decided to take all the hills, gave the rice fields to Vietnam.
There was no sign of an immigration office as we passed through never ending mountains, river streams..etc.
Then finally appeared a small building with Lao’s flag…
In spite of the heat, sweat, mountains and pain, for that moment we could just sense the emotion of joy.. we made it to the third country and that called for a selfie…
There were a group of young Lao people sitting on the bench and looked completely relaxed in front of the immigration and waited for the officers’ lunch time get over. We were told to wait for 30mins but we didn’t need to wait that long in reality. It was very peaceful and easy process. We heard from Alex (French traveler) that he was asked to pay some money for his motorbike at both Laos side and Vietnamese side and was ripped off by officers but nothing happened to us except we were bit tensed when we misheard “friend?” as “fine?” when an officer asked our relationship. We thought that we somehow had to pay a fine whatever reasons… When we realized our mistake, we laughed and said we are husband and wife and showed our rings.
We said “khob chai lai lai” (thank you very much) to the officer and left Laos and carried all the memories with us. Thailand pampered us where as Laos showed the reality of life. We would not say Lao is poor as we could not find a single beggar and people are self sufficient. As the population is low, everyone has a huge land area and the country is also blessed with rice. The landscape is filled with mountains, rivers and minerals and we hope it doesn’t get disturbed in the name of development.
The final Statistics
# of Cities touched – 3
# of days – 14
Total distance covered – ~ 810
Total distance cycled – 630 km
# of times hitch-hiked – 2
# of times Stayed in a hotel/hostel – 3
# of times couchsurfed – 0
# of times camped – 5
Total cost – $320 (Include Lao and Vietnam Visa fee for both of us and accommodation)
Average cost of stay at the Guest house for two = $8 – $10
Visa Fee for Indian Citizens – 1700 Baht
1 INR = 118 Kip = $68 = 0.5 JPY
After 5 mins of ride, we came to the Vietnamese immigration. We went to an officer’s big and nice room and we got an entry stamp in 5mins. We said “cam ong”(thank you) to the friendly officer and entered Vietnam. Officers showed interested in our folding bikes and wished us luck.
The road in Vietnam was no comparison to the ones in Laos. It was a really good which made even the uphill rides smooth…
We cycled looking at bamboo forest both side and occasionally saw a blue river on our left. After hours and hours of up and down hills, I realized that Sunil was looking for ATM. Yes, we didn’t have any Vietnamese money as we had assumed there would be an ATM at the border to avoid unnecessary conversion charges. Let me break the suspense here, we could not find ATM for the next 3 days and travelled without a single penny in the pocket 🙂
We started to see some beautiful rice field.
People in Vietnamese were so friendly and people shouted saying “Hello!” We often hear the big hellos from houses and even the far away rice field.
When we came to a small village around 4pm, as usual we decided to ask if we can pitch a tent. We were greeted by the smily faces and hello at the beginning of the village. The first place we asked was a small shop but the lady said no so we went back to the entrance of the village where we had a warm hello and asked if we could pitch our tent.
We didn’t know who was the owner at that point but everyone said we could stay and they made a space for us to pitch our tent under their house and gave us boiled water, which we really needed. Sunil started talking to people and I went to the river behind the house with local children.
Then we decided to hunt for our dinner and went back to the small shop if we can buy anything with kip (Lao money). We negotiated and got a bag of sweet buns and some apples. On the way back, we saw a local young men playing a volly ball. It was really good match. One of the person asked Sunil to join but he declined the offer with smile and just enjoyed watching a good game.
The kind owner and the family asked us to join for the dinner!!! So we went up and saw the room. It was very spacious and a lovely room, which had a bamboo cradle from the ceiling. There were many dishes on a silver portable table. They used lots of vegetables and each dish was well seasoned and tasty. A young son in law gave us some local drink to cheer. They insisted us to drink more but we politely declined as we needed to cycle early in the morning next day.
It was a Valentine’s Day and we were penniless…. The family asked us to have a breakfast but we decided to push off and said goodbye to our first lovely host in Vietnam.
We saw a breathtaking scenery of the terraced rice field from the top of the village. The water was shining with the sun rise.
We cycled along the beautiful rice field and bamboo forest. Occasionally we came crossed with Laos style road (not good). Sunil sometimes stopped and asked to local people who were passing by if there is any ATM showing his bank card but no sign of ATM until we cycled more than 5 hours.
私達は、この日も美しい田園と竹林の風景を見ながら、自転車を走らせた。時折、ラオススタイルの道(舗装されてない、または舗装状態の悪い道)を通らなければいけなかった。 スニルは、時々銀行カードを見せながら、近くにATMがないか、道行く人に聞いたが、五時間ぐらい自転車を走らせても、まだ見つかる気配はなかった。
When we came to a bigger town, a man told us that there is an ATM and pointed us. We were very happy and gave a big high 5 to ourselves but we realized that we were too early to be happy as the ATM was closed because it was long holiday!! Yes, even we were surprised.We went further in the town and saw a man who came out from the house and asked for the nearest town, which has ATM. The man told us that the next town will be another 105 km away which will be impossible to cover today.
We were disappointed but the man asked us to come and join him for the lunch. We were very hungry so we accepted the offer shamelessly. His wife cooked us sticky rice with sweet potato (fried with oil), grilled fish, fried green vegetable, vegetable soup, smoked ham and roasted beef. It was a feast.
They offered us a proper red wine too. We cheered for the Valentine’s day. The man offered us some Vietnamese sake, which was very strong.
After the big feast, we felt sleepy and the wife asked us to take a nap in their house. I was very tempted but we decided to leave and said good bye to this lovely couple.
Because we were cycling for long time and also had some alcohols, we found it difficult to pedal so we had a rest and took a nap about one our under the bamboo trees by the road.
The sounds of lovely birds woke us up. We often hear the beautiful birds songs in the forest both in Laos and Vietnam and we noticed that many people keep a bird in a cage and hung under the roof. I wonder if those birds were in danger…. Sunil always want them to set free whenever he see it.
The short nap gave us some energy, we cycled again and we passed a small village.
A lady saw us and shouted, waved at us and asked us to come for tea. We took this opportunity to ask for the shelter on that night. We asked if we could pitch the tent and she insisted us to sleep inside and asked us to put our bikes in the kitchen. Unlike other houses in the village, their house was like a house in towns and was not made of wood and bamboo. It was pretty big. She greeted us some sweets and water. Her husband who was also very friendly came and gave us some local flower sake.
It seemed that villagers come to her house to chat all the time and people with small babies came and went continuously. Every time the lady of the house offered people something to eat or drink. The lady and her husband offered us a big feast for the dinner. The lady cooked small fishes which was caught by local ladies. The husband made a yummy omelet using lots of herbs. Fried green vegetable and vegetable soup were also on the table. We noticed that Vietnamese people take balanced meals.
After we had dinner, the husband put music and the lady started to dance and asked us to join her and we obliged. The husband put the music even louder and brought a disco lights. The neighbors also joined us. The lady disappeared and changed to the traditional dress so we also changed to our Yukata and Lungi. We exchanged the costume and kept dancing. People laughed and took photos, it was fun but crazy night. Sunil put the traditional ladies’costume at one point and danced wild with tipsy village men.
Our Valentine’s day was not at all romantic but it would be unforgettable spent with cheerful Vietnamese people.
It was even hilarious that somehow the lady insisted that me and Sunil should sleep in the different rooms although Sunil explained that we were married number of times. She came and slept next to me and two local ladies joined her to chase Sunil off :-). Sunil gave up and said “Good night and Happy Valentine’s day!” And I shared the bed with the lady that night.
さらに可笑しかったのが、なぜが、おばさんが、スニルと私は、別の部屋で寝るようにと言い出し、スニルが、わたは夫婦であることを何度も説明しても同じ部屋で寝ることを承知してくれなかった。そればかりか、ベッドで私の隣に来て寝はじめ、他の二人の村の女性と一緒にスニルを隣の部屋へと追い払った。(笑 スニルはとうとう諦めて、「おやすみ!ハッピーバレンタインデー」と言って出て行った。そして残された私は、その晩おばさんと一緒のベッド。
It was drizzling next morning and bit cold but we had a high hope of finding ATM and to go to Hanoi.
But we were somehow confident that we will be ok without money in Vietnam.