Lao Diaries 1st Feb-4th Feb ラオス日記1
It was warm and humid when we crossed the Meakong over friendship bridge and entered the immigraton. A small chaos reflected a clear distinction between the two countries. In no time I got my On arrival visa for $52 and as Japanese can stay in laos without a visa for 15 days we entred the country without any hurdle and started riding towards Vientiane.
We stopped at a coffee shop to use the WiFi and updated out news to our friends and family. While I was writing this, we were left with just $107 in our pocket as my bank messed up with my account very badly. I spent some time in the coffee shop working with the bank in vain as it was Sunday.
We had a veg noodle soup for lunch where we made another observation, the price had spiked up quite a bit than Thailand and there was a dip in quality. But the banana chips we got in the shop was so yammy. It was supposed to be for the snacks for later but we finished immediately like two cookie monsters.
We started to miss the broad dust free roads with wide shoulders of Thailand. 10km before Vientiane we decided to camp and asked in the first house if we could camp. The man of the house recommended us to camp at the temple which was in front of his house. To our surprise, he could speak Japanese as once he was working as a driver for Japanese ambassador in Laos. He asked us to come back for a coffee after we visited a temple. When we entered the temple, we found two young monks who were cleaning the garden. It was hard to communicate to the monks and we showed the photo of our tent and they asked us to wait till the head monk arrives.
The head monk was fine with us staying at the temple and showed us the place where we could pitch the tent. We were surprised to see it was right in front of three Buddhas!!! But he also made sure that we shouldn’t kiss in front of Buddhas:-)
After we pitched our tent, we went back to the house of the man who recommended us to stay in the temple and had a lovely Lao coffee. We learned some new useful Lao from him. When we returned to the temple, a young monk gave us bottles of water, donuts, chocolates, cakes and coke.
The bathroom which we could use was very clean. We took shower and when we were ready to go to sleep after a tiring day. But… we got a shock!! There were 4 mischivious kittens biting and scratching our tent. We spent two hours getting rid of one and the other which, would attack from different directions. They were enjoying this game while we started to get frustrated. Once they got bored of the game they disappered but they come back in the middle of the night to scratch my bald head.
It was a wonderful experiance to stay in the wat. It was no surprise to see some young monks cleaning the temple but it was interesting to see some older monks with cool tattoo and also few monks smoking in the temple.
We had coffee with the man who lives in front of the temple again the next morning. He helped us to write our board to hitch hike to Vang Vieng in Lao.
We rode 25 km and went outside the Viantiane city. We had the food given by the monks as our breakfast. We had some time preassure as our visa would get expired in 15 days before which we had to apply for the Vietnam visa which would take good 3 days. That was a reason for us to do a hitchhike to Vang Viange which was 160km away. The first car said he could drop us 20km and when we got in he stopped after 5 mins. We had misunderstood, he meant 2 km. After 15 mins we found another car which dropped us in Vang Viang.
We had sandwich for lunch and the sweet lady gave us 2 complementary bananas. Laos is known for its sandwitchs made from French baguette and it is tasty. It almost became our standard breakfast in Laos.
I had been here in 2012 and this crazy village had got more commercialized but the landscape is breathtaking as always.
We found a Wat which was 1km from the main town and was surprised to see a Russian guy who was also staying in the Temple. Marat, the Russian was an interesting guy who has never paid for transport nor for accomadation and has been travelling from Russia to Vietnam, Malaysia, Singapore, Thailand. He is planning to go around the world and will be visiting India through Myanmar soon. He made us a nice cup of hot coffee and gave us boiled corn and we inturn gave some doughnuts.
It was a calm temple with few little monks who were very helpful and one monk added me on Facebook 🙂
The next morning we went to the river to shoot our usual photo in Lungi and Yukata with Marat, unfortunately the photo with Yukata and Lungi did not come out well, but we got something good.
We asked Marat to wear the lungi and shot his photo instead. (He looks so cool!)
We trird to hitchike to Luang Prabang which was 260km away, but gaveup after 45 min and took a minibus as we had to reach the same day. If not, we need to unnecessarly spend the weekend in Luangprabang waiting for the Vietnam visa.
The mini bus brokedown in between which gave us an opportunity to shoot some nice photos at the hill top.
We reached Luangpraband and started asking the temples if we could stay, unfortunately we were declined 4 times due to different reasons. In one place the head monk was not there, the next place the monks were worried as it was located next to the police station..etc. We were dejected as we wanted to stay in temples throught our trip in Laos. But the lesson learnt was, stay away from touristic places, but unfortunately that is where the Vietnamese consulate was located.
We found a cheap guest house who charged us $9 a day for a pretty nice room for the price.
In no time I made sure the room was shabby and Yuka had to be a housewife on her vacation, cleaning the room.
Luangprabang can easily be one of the best cities in the world and it is a World Heritage site. It is clean, well planned with beautiful French Architecture, has about 35 temples, no pollution, it is very touristy but it is calm and the list goes on.
The town is very calm and people are laidback. The Vietnamese consulate is one of the old Elementary Schools. We can say it is one of the best consulates we have visited. It was just two of us and councillor was friendly and funny.
That evenening we went to the night market which had good collection of wooden and bonobo product as well as handlooms made with good quality fabric. I wanted to buy many things but Sunil stopped me and made sure that I don’t touch anything.
Fruits are in abundance.
The famous snake wine.
We had a veg buffet as our body was craving for veg. Every meal for the past 2 weeks has been meat and fish.
The temples were beautiful and silent.
The young monks looked more authentic and happy than the one we saw in Vientiane.
The fruits were fresh.
Though the streets and cafes were filled with mostly Europian tourists, it was rather calm. We think there are more europians than the localites.
Yuka went out to see a near by temple and this is what she said… ” I heard the big noise of children on the way to a temple and saw children were playing wild without teachers in a primary school. I was very curious and went in and found two teachers sitting and chatting outside of the classrooms. Luckily I had A4 paper with me so I asked them if I can teach Origami to their pupils. They kind of guessed what I meant and let me in the classroom but they didn’t come and continued chatting themselves. So I sat in the middle of the room and started folding a paper. I was soon surrounded by small faces. They all wanted to get whatever I made. I didn’t have enough paper to teach origami to all children so I asked the teachers if they can arrange papers but they also didn’t have. So I had to change my plan. I asked the children to sit on the chair and I started to tell a made up story using one piece of paper. Children needed to guess the shape while I was telling the story. When I made a cat or a dog and said meow or bow wow, they laughed and told the name of animals in Lao. I told them the names in English. By the end of the story, they learned hello, mountain, cats, dogs, hat, fish, thank you and good bye in English. It was a very quick visit but I really enjoyed it. Hope I can visit more schools on the road.”
There were monks and lovely kids everywhere in this beautiful town.
We found this interesting sign in the town and was wondering how many can we strike.
After 3 days of luxury in a hotel we will be getting our Vietnam visa tomorrow and will be cycling 500km over the mountains to Vietnam for the next 9 days.
ゲストハウス滞在の贅沢な(私達は、何分予算の限られた自転車旅行者なので) 3日間を過ごしたが、明日ベトナムのビザを取得したら、その後9日間は500キロ、ベトナムまで山超えサイクリングが私達を待っている。