Thailand 26th Jan – 31st Jan 2016 タイ日記2
It was extremely cold morning (12 deg) in Khon Kane and Ithi, a young miniature painter hosted us. Khonkaen was small nice city where we had a relaxing day just wandering the streets and visited a temple where it is belived that they have a bone of Buddha!! We found a lovely coffee shop which was filled with Thai antique goods, which was from owner’s house. The owner was very smiley lady we had a good rest there. We ended the day with an introduction to Isan food. Ithi treated us with different beef dishes.
Isan food is extremely spicy relative to the rest of thai food eaten with glutinious rice. You can take a small amount of the rice using hand and pop in to your mouth. This is like Japanese Mochigome rice, which is Yuka’s favourite.
The next day was relatively warmer. We said good bye to Itthi and headed towards Udon Thani.
The route was very beautiful passing through rice fields, sugar cane fields, lakes, small hills..etc. We came across a sign board whcih said we just had 156 more km to Laos.. yaay and 3687 km to Hanoi, quite a distance.
By noon it started to become hotter and there was a friendly old lady selling melons.
It was extremely tasty to have those half melons with a spoon and helped in quenching our thirst.
We planned to break our journey ino two parts and halt midway at Nong Sat. This place is known for rosted chicken and close to 20 adjecent shops were selling the same.
But we still settled for a simple sticky rice and Som Tom as we were having meat almost every meal and badly need some veg.
By 4 in the evening we started to hunt for a place to sleep. The first two houses we approched could not understand our request and pointed out towards the police station.
We noticed a man standing outside and asked him if we could pitch our tent inside their house and he kind of understood what we want but from his gesture, we understood that he was not from the house and asked us to wait and disappeared inside. Then he came out with 2 men and one lady. One man could speak good english (he was a good friend of the house owner) and we were glad and explained him that I was from India and Yuka was from Japan and needed a place to pitch a tent. He stopped me and said JAPAN?? looking towards Yuka. The lady who came out, Kate had been living in Japan for 13 years with her husband Ooie. Form then on it was all in Japanese and I kept pretending I understood everything. They agreed that we could pitch a tent and told us that we can use bathroom etc. Who would’ve thought that we meet someone who lived in Japan for long time in this town? The chance to knock on their door would be very very small. We amazed our luck and appreciated it.
Ooie then greeted us with the much needed coffee which we had two each and coconuts milk jellies.
Then Ooie started to get the baebecue out and from then on, we were floored by their hospetality. The entire family (Kate, Ooi, their son in law and their daughter) kept cooking until 8 and it was a lavish spread on the table with BEER!! Our first drink in Thailand.
The spread consisted of
1) Barbecue – Chicken with Chillie, Pineapple and Tomatos; Chicken Sausage, Beef and Pork Saucages. 2) Tom Yum Soup 3) Chicken with Squid salad 4) Fried Chicken with Thai mint in red chillie garlic dressing 5) Sticky Rice and Thai Rice
Before they met Ooi was working as a painter in Japan and Kate was running a Thai restaurent and they got married. Though Kate has a premanent residence in Japan they had to move back to Thailand due to some immegration complications of Ooi. They told us that they have lots of happy memories in Japan and they miss their friends but now they are happy to be settled in this nice house with their kids.
We had a glass of beer just to socialize as we had to ride the next day and focused more on the food till our tummy almost burst. They told us not to be shy and we could stay in the house that night but we had already pitched a tent and also outside was not cold so, we went back to our tent and fell asleep in no time while they still kept drinking.
Our wakeup call was from the hen/cock next door at 5 am in the morning which went on till 6.30. We accepted our defeat and woke up unable to sleep with the sound. (Sunil wanted to kill this hen for the next barbecue!) We were pampered with two hot cups of coffee again followed by a big pack of breakfast and lunch to have on the way!! We were almost in tears again…
We said good bye to Kate and Ooi and started hit back to the road. It was another pleasant day for cycling. We were enjoying the view of the beautiful country side (Sunil kept saying that the canary was exactly like his university town in Karnataka in India) but at the same time, our focus was on our big breakfast! At last after 20km’ s ride, we found a small bench under a big tree by the road and we decide to have our feast there.
What we found inside of our boxes were Isan style roasted chicken, chicken and squid salad, chicken barbecue from the previous night and the sticky rice. We amazed our stomach, we still could eat the big breakfast after our feast from the night before. Having said that we couldn’t finish two skewers of chicken and we gave it to the old man who was selling sticky red rice in the bamboo on the road. We supposed to lose our weight during the cycling trip but we really felt that we are gaining more and more every day.
It was a very easy ride to get to Udon Thani, our next host Michael and Nikki came to pick us up at a big Honda show room with their big Honda car, which could easily put our bikes and luggages. On the way to their house, they stopped in the city so that Michael could get a massage at their friend’s massage place while we took a stroll around the lake.
Michael has a disease which makes it hard for him to speak or walk and always needs Nikki around.
Nikki and Micheal provied us a nice room in Nikki’s country side house 8km from the city and Nikki took us for lunch. It consisted of Issan food consisting Soup, Salad, dishes made of minced pork, beef, minced chicken, boiled eggs, fish and lots of veg and herbs. The food was extremely spicy (for Sunil) and heavy.
We decied to skip the dinner and ended the day with mangos.
The next day Nikkie took us to the famous lotus lake followd by lunch (I was getting bored of the Issan food but Yuka was enjoying every bit of it).
We enjoyed playing chess with Michael in the evening. He is extremely smart and we just couldn’t win. He was like a kid and didn’t want to go to bed and kept playing until finally Nikki said “That is enough for today Michael”
We woke up to the sounds of birds early in the morning where we saw two men busy chopping beef and making soup. It was a festival in the village and friends and relatives arrived to Nikki’s house with food but we had to leave to Nong Khai and said good bye to Nikkie and Michael post breakfast.
The ride to Nong Khai was easy on a flat highway (It was boring for Sunil but perfect for me). We started hunting for a place to camp and all the houses politly declined. We came to this house were we were surrounded by a very big family of Grand parents, daughter, son in law and grand children and none of them could speak english. They spoke among themselves and the son in law called someone and I was sure it could be police. Then he passed the phone to Yuka and asked her to speak. There was a lady on the other end who told us to follow the son in law, come to her office so that we can camp at her office. We were not sure what office was it.
So followed his scooter and afte a kilometer he showed the office. We were shocked, we did not know how to react, weather to laugh or cry, it was Tourist information office. We were not sure if we could pitch our tent or she will suggest us to book some hotels at that point. But the lady incharge of the office was kind and welcomed us with hot coffe and cookie and confirmed that we could pitch our tent.
We decided to camp in the lawn front of her office in the night and left to the city.
After pampering us with thai curry (No more Isan food for Sunil) and spending few hours in a cafe we went to have our dinner. On the way a european man in his 60’s stopped us and asked “what are you both doing with a Bromptin in Thailand?”. He was a German and a fan of Brompton bikes (owns 4 and the oldest being 13 yrs). He recommended us to have a Chinese noodle at a stall and we had a dinner with him and his thai girlfrined Mas.
久しぶりのタイグリーンカレーのランチに舌鼓を打ち、(イサン料理にすっかり嫌気がさしていたスニルにはご馳走!) 夕飯の前に涼しくWifiのあるカフェで数時間過ごす。夕飯の場所を見つけていると、突然60代のヨーロッパ人に呼び止められた。「タイでブロンプトンに乗って、何をしてるんだい?」彼は、ブロンプトン自転車のファンのドイツ人だった。(すでに自分で4台所有、一番古いのは13年) 彼は夕飯に、屋台で美味しい中国式麺料理を薦めてくれ、彼と彼のガールフレンドマスと一緒に御飯を食べた。
They told we could pitch our tent in front of their house with a nice view of Meakong river. Why not and it was far better than the Tourist information office. The ride to their house with the river towards the right and the cool breeze was pleasent.
Charlie, 62 year old german got a Thai brandy from his collections and Mas who is 42 works as a English teacher told us we could take shower. Charlie visits Thailand and spends 4 month with Mas in a year when it is winter in Germany. Both of them had a nice sense of humour and we chatted till 11 PM and got inside our camping tent. There was a loud music played from a disco in Laos which was disturbing our sleep in Thailand!
The next morning Charlie made us tea which we had on the river bank (how often will we get to do this) and took us to a place to have a JOKE! Yes, even we were confused, Joke is name of a thai dish made of rice porridge, meat and egg. It filled our stomach.
Thay accompanied us till the border, we took a selfie and will surely keep in touch with them and maybe meet Charlie in Germany.
Again I had a problem with the immigration. The moment the officer saw my passport the next question was “Indian? ” “Yes. ” He went inside the office and came back with a stern look and said “the officer wants to meet you”. When I got inside the cabin, the officer asked will I be coming back to Thailand from Laos and i said no and I got the exit stamp, but still do not know what the drama was all about.
We rode on the Thai Lao friendship bridge and felt a bit sad to say good bye to the country with such warm people who had taken care of us for 13 days.
The final Statistics
# of Cities touched – 7
# of days – 13
Total distance covered – ~780
Total distance cycled – 535 km
# of times hitch-hiked – 1
# of times Stayed in a hotel/hostel – 0
# of times couchsurfed – 3
# of times camped – 3
Total cost – $115
Visa Fee for Indian Citizens – 1000 Baht
1 Baht = 0.5 INR = $0.028 = 0.25 JPY