Thailand Diaries – 19th – 25th Jan 2016 タイ旅日記1
After celebrating Sunil’s mom’s birthday, in spite of 3 months planning, we were still not sure of the bags we will be carrying, we were yet to buy toiletaires, we had to exchange currency and the list went on.. but we made sure we left Bangalore with whatever preparation we had done so far and arrived at the airport 3 hrs before the departure to check in our bromptons without any hassle.
We have well defined roles and responsibilities. I do the man’s job of carrying the heavy baggage ..etc and Yuka takes care of the passport, boarding passes, contacts of the hosts…etc which back fired a bit.. As she is a red passport holder she does not need a visa to enter Thailand and she went to a different immigration with my boarding pass and the host details. I had to explain the immigration officer why I didn’t have my boarding pass with me, which was not convincing and she wanted to talk to my host!! Great I explained the number is with my wife 🙂 and my hope of entering Thailand was slowly diminishing. After spending 2 hrs in the immigration I was welcomed into the country (may be because another flight arrived from india and the counters became more crowded)!! By then Yuka had collected the luggage, unpacked the bikes and were set to leave..
Without any hassle we reached our host Ocean’s place in a taxi for 250 Baht and Ocean had left keys at the reception. She had a beautiful apartment with a nice pool on the 9th floor and offered a nice room for us which was a big luxury for a cycling tourist. We were deprived of sleep and extremely tired and decided to have breakfast at the nearby market and did not want to make any plans for the day.. The food looked great and for a moment our tiredness were vanished and got some new energy!! After wandering like confused zombies I had Thai Green Curry rice with Pork and Yuka had Bamboo Shoot with fish & noodle, which in total costed just 70 Baht (less than a dollar each) followed by some Thai mangos and Thai Coffee.
After a nice nap we went back to the market for lunch and spent the noon doing nothing until Ocean came back from work. She took us out for her favorite Phad Thai place. It was a small stall by the road side and it was delicious! We enjoyed some conversation with a friendly Thai lady and went home with stomach full.
We were planning to cycle in Bangkok the next day, but O’cean and her husband Gregory told us that the station of the boat is very close from their flat and it is the best way to cross Bangkok so, we decided to take a boat to Kao San road – The Mecca for back packers.
We got back in the afternoon. Yuka enjoyed swimming in the pool for a while and cooked Japanese dinner for Ocean and Gregory. We spent the night playing Thai card game as well. It was a great game and addictive and it was hard to stop. Yuka decided to buy one set before we leave Thailand.
The next morning we woke up at 5.30 and after packing our stuff, the final hugs and good bye’s we hit the road at 7 AM towards Ayutthaya. Thai people told us that the traffic is bad in Bangkok but it was not as bad as the one in India. Having said that, finding the road to Ayuttaya was very difficult and hotness and humidity didn’t help us at all. We had to stopped many times to check if we were on the way to the right road but somehow we made it to the high way and kept cycling waiting for the rice fields to come up.. but all we could see was shopping malls, express way and a big concrete jungle.
Halfway through we came across this nice cafe owned by young couple. The owner’s uncle was very kind and offered us lovely strawberry cakes made by his daughter for free… We had a good chat and good rest there.
After a few kilometers from this coffee shop, a gentleman who owns a bike shop gave us much needed two free bottles of cold water from the fridge!!! So considerate and we kept tasting the Thai hospitality thought the way till we entered Ayutthaya and met Pui Chan, our host.
He picked us up on the way back from his work and by the time we finished our shower he had set the dinner ready for us. He had initially agreed to host us for a day as he had to go and meet his family in Bangkok the next day. We requested him if we could pitch our tent in his garden while he was away.. he thought for a moment and said we could stay in the house and he would hand over the keys… while our jaws dropped.
Pui chan made us a nice breakfast next morning before he left to Bangkok and told us to come back anytime to his place and the door will be open for us all the time…. We hope that we will see him again. After we said good bye to Pui chan, we visited the temple sites including the Buddha’s face between the roots and the sleeping Buddha.
We met few more cyclists on a folding bike (not brompton, mostly dahon, so we could show off a bit) who had come from Bangkok. After cheering each other, we took a quick selfie and departed.
We spent the evening wandering around the market where we had a “clean shave”. In one of the shops the fish looked amazing and the best part about the food joints are, nothing exceeds 40 baht. We ordered a large fish. It was grilled over the charcoal with lots of herbs stuffed in. We put the flakes of fish, noodle and extra herbs and bean sprouts on either lettuce or Chinese cabbage. It was yummy and it was easy to finish. We were ready with 50 baht when the waiter came and said 240 baht!! The same fish in other stalls costed 80 baht.. not sure if we really got cheated as a tourist, but dosen’t matter.. Ayutthaya was amazing on the whole.
The plan was to start at 6 in the morning, but had to start by 7.30 as it was raining. The climate was plea sent most part of the ride but, it started raining towards the end of the ride when we had just 20km to Lop Buri..
Not sure if it is the kindness of the Thai people or the beginners luck, we found a jeep to hitchhike within 5 mins who was ready to take us to Lopburi. Sayan was kind gentleman who first took us to a nearby temple which is believed to be very lucky and is located in front a an old temple which Syan considers the Angkor Wat of Lopburi!!
After we said good bye to Sayan, we set off to find a place to pitch a tent for that night. After 7km ride we saw a nice house with a mango tree. We asked them if we can pitch the tent in their garden and without a second hesitation their answer was yes. It was Yuka’s dream to sleep under a mango tree and they had already collected a bucket full of mangos. We were not sure how we could cope with big red ants, which climbed up to everything but we were happy.
The climate started to play a spoilt sport as it started to become very cold and windy. The host Mimi immediately made some space for us in her room. We ended our day inside our cozy sleeping bags after a warm hotpot for dinner. We did not have a nice sleep as it was extremely cold and the wind was wild througout the night.
The next day it was still very cold but the heavy winds had disappeared, so we skipped our shower. We said goodbye to Mimi before she left to the school though unfortunately we could not go to her school as it was getting late. Yuka was happy to get mango’s from Mimi’s dad before we left and our breakfast was set :). It was a pleasant ride to Soraburi as it was passing through small ponds, mountains and rice fields.
While I was struggling hard to explain I need earphone buds in a shop in Saraburi, a young Thai lady came and said if she could help and explained my need to the shopkeeper. The immediate next question was do we have place to sleep and if not we could come to her place. Before she left she gifted us a pack of fresh bread 🙂
We both were having our packed dinner next to a restaurant on the pavement when the owner of the shop asked us to come and sit inside and we obliged. While we were explaining our route to the owner, 2 customers (mom and son) joined the conversation. When it started to rain, the son and mom realized that we do not have an umbrella and disappeared from the scene. The next moment they appeared with a brand new umbrella and four boxes of dried fruits.Then the shop owner came with few peaces of brownie and filled our empty bottles with water. We were showered with human kindness and took the food and gave back the umbrella polity as we could not carry it in our bicycle. We said good bye’s and departed with warm hugs.
After an hour we were surprised to see the mom and son again, this time they had come with a box of boiled carrots, eggs and pumpkins and a cover to protect our bikes and stuff from the rain!!
一時間後に、私達は、もっとびっくりすることに!なんと、お店であった親子が、私達のために、うちに帰って、人参、かぼちゃ、卵を茹でたものをお弁当にして持ってきてくれた。その上、雨から荷物を防ぐようにとカバーと紐まで持って来てくれた。「信じられない!!!親切すぎ!」というのが、私達の反応。 感謝してもしきれない気持ちで一杯になる。いつか恩返しができるといいなと、目は涙ウルウルで、別れる。
We were spell bounded by the hospitality and extremely grateful!! We owe them a lot.
The first week was all about meeting generous people and eating great food. Hope the next 360 days on the rode will remain the same!!