Nagaland Trip (Mawlynnong-The most cleanest village in Asia?)

When we decided to go the Hornbill festival in Nagaland, we also made a plan to visit Cherrapunji in Megahalaya. Cherrapunji is well known for the wettest place in India and also for some beautiful living root bridges and waterfalls. When we were making a plan where we visit in Cherrapunji, we came cross the site of Mawlynonng which said that Mawlynnong is the most cleanest village in Aisa. We were very curious if the village in Inda could be the most cleanest village in Asia so we decided to find out.
ナガランドのホーンビルフェスティバルに行くことを決めたあと、ついでにメガラヤ州にあるチェラプンジにも行くことにした。チラプンジは、インドで一番雨量が多いことで知られている。そしてここには、美しい「生きている橋」(生きている木の根が入りこまれて作られている)やいくつかの滝でも有名である。チェラプンジへいく計画を立てているときに、 Mawlynonng のサイトを発見。アジアで一番きれいな村と書かれていた。インドにアジアで一番きれいな村が本当に存在するのか、確かめてみたくなり、このマウリノン村にも行ってみることにした。

Sunil negotiated with a taxi driver and succeeded to ask him to take us from Sillong to Maulyinnong Village and drop us to Cherrapunji by the evening. We were very close to Bangladesh one point on the way to the village and we were excited about it.
Mawlynnong was a very small and simple but a pretty village.You can see the bins, which were made of bamboo at every corner of the streets. There were no rubbish on the streets and streets were very clean. I traveled many places in India but this was the first time that I didn’t see any rubbish on the streets. I was not sure if it was the most cleanest village in Asia but it was the cleanest village I’ve had ever seen in India. Villagers were not particularly friendly toward tourists but little children were more friendly and not shy at all.
We saw our first Living root bridge in this village. You could see the roots of trees were tangled and became an incredibly beautiful bridge. I felt that I got some living power from the beautiful living bridge.
