Nagaland Trip (A night in Sillong)

We took a shared taxi from Goathi to Sillong (400 rupee each). We met a nice local couple who thought that I am a local person rather than Japanese :-). When we stopped for a tea break, we followed the couple and went to a small cafe. We ordered the same food, which the couple ordered. We had pork dish (my first pork in India), minced beef balls and yellow dal(lentil) etc.

I liked the meat balls! Me and Sunil were not so impressed with the pork dish. They had fresh salad leaves on each table so that everyone could eat with whatever people ordered. I hadn’t had fresh salad leaves for a long time so I ate a lot shamelessly.

The evening at the end of November in Sillong was so cold! It got dark very quickly as well. People enjoyed eating cheap hot snacks at food stalls in the main square. We also enjoyed a few snacks before our dinner. The night in Sillong finished very early but we managed to walk around the town and saw some food markets. Vegetables looked very fresh and good. I was very tempted to buy some good looking radishes but Sunil managed to stop me to do so:-(
