My second Snake Gourd recipe

We got lots of snake gourds in the market the other day. When I heard the name first time, I thought that people said “Snake God” and I really liked it. So I somehow disappointed it when I found out that it is actually called snake gourd and not snake God :-(. This vegetable is still new to me and I only cooked once. So, I tried a new recipe using snake gourds.

This time, I found a Snake Gourd Yogurt Chutney recipe from the website “Indian Cuisine”. The author is from Hyderabad and there are lots of delicious looking Indian recipe in it! I put her site as my favourite.

It was super simple but it was very delicious! Sunil said that I can use green banana using the same recipe next time. One stone kills two birds! I will try with green bananas next time.

先日、青空市場で蛇瓢箪をたくさん買った。はじめて、この野菜の名前を聞いたとき、蛇瓢箪ではなく、蛇の神様(Snake God)に聞こえて、すっかり気に入った。後で蛇の神様ではなく、蛇瓢箪(Gourd)と聞いて、ちょっとがっかり。私にとってはまだまだ目新しい野菜で、この野菜を使って料理をしたのは、一回だけ。そこで違うレシピで料理をしてみることにした。
今回は、”Indian Cuisine”というサイトで、蛇瓢箪のヨーグルトチャット二―のレシピを発見。このサイトの作者はハイドラバード出身の人のよう。美味しそうなレシピがたくさんあるので、早速お気に入りサイトに追加。