Local market

Thursday and Sunday are our big vegetable shopping day. Vegetables, fruits and flower sellers open their shops on the street. One of the most popular shop is the one, which sells the vegetables in a truck. There are always two long queues in front of the truck. If you want to see a good queue in India, you should come here. Young good looking sellers will tell you off if you try to jump in a queue. As a Japanese, I love to be in a queue. It is fair. If someone try to jump into the queue. I cannot help telling them off as well (as gentle as possible:-)).

These vegetable sellers remember all prices off by heart and calculate in their head. Their calculations are always right. Sunil asks ” 1 kg of this… a half kg of that, a quarter of this and that”etc and they say “128 rupee” etc. Wow! Me and Sunil once calculated after the shopping if they were right. They were right! Their brain muscle must be so different from mine. Their brain must be like an attractive six pack and mine is just fat and no muscle…

A lady who sell flowers always asks Sunil if he needs to buy a string of jasmine for my hair. I love smell of Jasmine but Sunil hates. She wants him to buy and I also want him to buy, so he buy it in the end… He cannot against two ladies.
After Sunil told me papaya is really good for health, I read a few articles about it on internet. He was right. Papaya is amazing! Papayas are an excellent source of vitamin C, a good source of folate, vitamin A, magnesium, copper, pantothenic acid and fiber.3 They also have B vitamins, alpha and beta carotene, lutein and zeaxanthan, vitamin E, calcium, potassium, vitamin K and lycopene, the powerful antioxidant as well. So We always buy a papaya and always tried to negotiate with the price but never succeed so far.

The recent news about many farmer’s suicides in Andhra pradesh and Telangana (Hyderabad is in Telangana) made us sad. We talk about the vegetables and fruits prices are up etc but we still can afford to buy vegetables and fruits. Lots of hard working farmers cannot afford to support their family and die in despair. We need to reflect our life regularly and see how fortunate we are and find a way to support others.
