Keralan food day! (Tamarind rice, Tindori throne, Moru Kachiathu with Green banana)

Sunil and I watched a Tamil film called “Un Samayal Arayil”. This film is the remake version of Malayalam film “Salt N’ Pepper”. Sunil watched both films and he prefers Salt N’ Pepper but we watched “Un SAmayal Arayil” this time.
It is a story about middle age single man who loves food and a 30 something single woman who also loves food and called him to order a dosa by mistake thinking she was calling her favourite restaurant. The film is so cute and I love it! It is a romantic comedy. There were many mouth watering scenes! Luckily we watched the film when we were full.
The film stayed in my head even the next day so, I watched the title songs from both “Un Samayal Arayil” and Salt N’ Peppr on youtube. Those are the must video clips to watch for south Indian food lovers! and inspired me to cook Keralan food.
I used recipes from my book “A fresh flavours of India ” by Das Sreedharan who is the owner of Rasa, one of my favourite Keralan restaurants in London. I cooked Tamarind rice and Tindori throne and Sunil cooked Moru Kachiathu with green banana. We really enjoyed our Keralan lunch! Gochiso sama deshita! (That how we say after we finish our meals in Japan). We would like to try more recipe from this book soon.

ス二ルと”Un Samayal Arayil”というタミル映画を見た。これは、”Salt N’ Pepper”というマラヤラン映画のリメーク版。ス二ルは両方見ていて、オリジナルバージョンの方が好きらしいが、今回は”Un Samayal Arayil”を見ることにした。
翌日になっても、その映画のシーンが頭から離れず、Youtubeで、”Un Samayal Arayil”と”Salt N’ Pepper”両方の映画のテーマソングを見た。両方とも、南インド料理好きにはたまらないビデオ。このビデオを見て、お昼にケララ料理を作ることにした。
“A fresh flavours of India “のレシピを使うことにした。私はタマリンドライスとティンドーリという3センチぐらいのきゅうりのような野菜とココナッツを使った料理を作り、ス二ルは、グリーンバナナとヨーグルトを使った料理を作った。本当に美味しかったあ。自画自賛、、、。御馳走様でした。今度はこの本で、違うものを作ってみようと思う。