How to win your husband’s heart II! White Pumpkin Halwa
夫の愛を勝ち取る方法パートII 白かぼちゃハルワ

Although Sunil doesn’t admit, he has sweet tooth. I found out that his all time favourite’s sweet is white pumpkin halwa. So I decided to make it to win my husband’s heart again. As same as usual, I had to find a recipe on internet. After I checked many sites, I decided to use a recipe from Subbu’s kitchen.
What I needed was a white pumpkin. I went to a local supermarket to buy one but I was not sure which one I should get for white pumpkin Halwa. I could see orange colour pumpkins and also green pumpkins. Indian green pumpkin is similar to Japanese pumpkin (Kabocha).
I knew that I shouldn’t buy green pumpkin so I took an orange pumpkin. I went to daily product section to buy some milk and found a half cut big vegetable in the fridge. Somehow I thought that it could be a white pumpkin. So I asked a young woman who was next to me and about to reach for a carton of fruits juice.
“Excuse me! Is this pumpkin?”
She said “Yes!” but soon she said “Oh sorry! No, it is not pumpkin but it is bottlegourd!”
So I said “but can you make Halwa with this?” and she said “I am sorry but I don’t know. I don’t cook”
I took a half cut “Bottlegourd” from the fridge and tried another lady who were with her husband and asked ” Is it a pumpkin and can you make Halwa with this?” and she said “Yes! we do. ”
So I left an orange pumpkin on the shelf and I took this “Bottlegourd” home.
I checked if I bought a right pumpkin on the internet just in case. I was right! So I went back to Subbu’s kitchen and cooked the halwa following her recipe.
Only things I didn’t follow from the recipe was that I didn’t use Kesar colour and I reduced the amount of sugar but added some raisins.
Sunil who does’t have sweet tooth:-) came back from work and finished a bowl of white pumpkin halwa. Thanks to Subbu’s kitchen, I succeeded to win my husnband’s heart (again)!
本人は、なぜか認めないけれど、ス二ルは甘いものが大好き。昔から大好きなインドのスイーツは白かぼちゃハルワだということを知り、またしても、夫の愛を勝ち取るために、この白かぼちゃハルワを作ることにする。いつものように、レシピをインターネットで探すことにする。いくつかサイトを見たあと、Subb’s Kitchenのレシピを使うことにした。
うちで、自分が買ったものが正しいか確認し、早速Subbu’s Kitchen のレシピにそって作ってみる。
甘いものが大好きではないらしい:-)ス二ルが、うちに帰ってきてたと思ったら、ペロッとお椀一杯の白かぼちゃハルワを食べてしまった。糖尿病まっしぐら、、、。Subbu’s kitchenのおかげで、またもや夫の愛獲得成功!