Giving shape to our dream
After numerous arguments, disagreements and brainstorming we both have agreed upon the route we plan to take on our “World Cycling Tour” project. The plan is to cover 3 continents and 31 countries approximately riding over 30,000 Kms. There are abundant hurdles and risks, mostly from my end as an Indian passport is the last choice for a world tour with numerous visa restrictions, but the excitement of picturing ourselves on the road for more than a year is not letting us bother much on the Visa at the moment. There are other key factors that have been ignored like the most important one, money, being a minimalist all we might need is $5 – $10 a day for food, stay will be much lesser as we will couch surf and camp most of the time, and hence the major sucker will be the Visa fee. The budget can be estimated only after creating a detailed route map and we should have one by the end of August.