Day 7

As per my plan my destination for the day was Indore which is 130 kms from Julwania. I started the ride at 6.30 in the morning and it was chilling outside (probably 6C). Stopped for breakfast at 8.15. I was surprised to see Samosa, Sev, Jilabhi and mirchi bajji for breakfast, but it was just perfect for the climate. The owner of the hotel asked me if am I going to mandu, I told him I was going to Indore. I stop for teat at 10 in a Dhaba and they ask me the same question, if I am going to Mandu. I finally start thinking if I should change my plan and the chaiwala plays with my mind and says you will not get another chance to see Mandu and you are just 42 kms away. I agree with him and blindly change my plan and take a left towards Mandu. He never told me there were two very ghats to climb. The climb and the afternoon sun sucked all my energy and I was moving in snail’s pace. As this was not an highway, it had both pros and cons. Very few trucks on the way, lot of trees for shade, panoramic view etc. and the cons being lack of availability of hotels means no chai, water, food ..etc. The ghat climb was very killing and i kept singing and talking to myself loud (that would have made the people think that i was from a Lunatic Asylum) to divert my mind.
I reached Mandu at 5 in the evening and the very first sight of a huge fort between a valley told me that I had made the right decision. Mandu was the sub division of the Tarangagadh or Taranga kingdom . This fortress town on a rocky outcrop about 100 km (60 miles) from Indore is celebrated for its fine architecture. Mandu’s was earlier known by the name of “Shadiabad” meaning the city of happiness (Anand Nagari), the name was given by then ruler Allauddin Khilji. I found a room for 200 in Hotel Maharaja which was decent. By 8 I came out for dinner and for a change tried noodles , it was not that good, but a lesson learnt, be a roman in rome. When I went back to the hotel I met Daneal and Selvia who had come from Germany to explore India and stayed in the room adjacent to mine . We kept discussing the places of interest and the route plan till 12.30 in the night. Daniel is 23 and wants to do his automobile engineering where as Selvia is a graduate in mathematics. They were surprised that being an Indian even I was carrying a map!! I had to explain them that Germany would be maximum as big as South india which is hardly 30% of our country. Daniel came down in November and has already seen Rajasthan and Delhi and was guiding me on the do’d and don’t’s. By 1 I was snoring in my little room covering myself with 2 blankets.