Our Engagement – Clash of cultures!!

After all the hassle, we got officially engaged on the 11th of April 2014. Yuka’s parents along with her brother, sisters, cousins and brother in law came over to my place and they had just landed from Japan 3 hours back. My family along with his cousins, aunt and grandparents gelled well with them inspite of the language barrier, thanks to Yuka’s sister Sae Yoshida, Mari and Nick for doing the job for a translator expect once when my granddad got to know Yuka’s father was a chemistry teacher, he asked Nick “what do you call Potassium Nitrate in Japanese ”.
Rinko was the center of attraction
Even in our wildest dreams we would have never imagined this is how our future family look like!! 🙂
My aunt played the role of my forter mom as well on the day of wedding, how lucky is Yuka to have two Mother In Laws 🙂
The clash of Cultures