
It has been a very exciting and busy 1 week!! I am forced to break the promise again (and no more promises). I am in Kotputli now. Just 160 kms from Delhi and finally the tour is ending tomorrow (I would have cycled close to…

Day 1,2 & 3

Dear user, I am extremely sorry for the delay in posting the updates, blame the unavailability of a cyber café (forget cyber café, getting my cell phone signal has become a luxury). Today will be my last day in maharashtra, I am in Dhule. Day…

Badami, Aihole, Pattadkal

[fbalbum url = https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.4107993571967.161544.1046890841&type=3]

Manali to Chandhighar

[fbalbum url = https://www.facebook.com/sunil.k.kaushik.9/media_set?set=a.10200927785970692.1073741839.1046890841&type=3]

Leh – On top of the world

[fbalbum url = https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.10200912351624843.1073741838.1046890841&type=3]

Kargil to Leh

Almost done with giant grueling uphills, hoping for rewarding downhills from tomorrow 🙂 [fbalbum url = https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.10200873494213432.1073741837.1046890841&type=3]

Srinagar to Drass

Was wondering where is heaven and found it while biking between Srinagar to Leh … Having the best tour of my life along with my European buddies!! [fbalbum url = https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.10200867187775775.1073741836.1046890841&type=3] Started riding from my house to the airport, approximately 40km on a rainy Friday morning…